Wednesday, November 11, 2015

She Bows in Submission

She bows her head in submission 
to her inevitable fate as winter finally arrives. 
 I hope she knows I still see beauty and grace in her old age. 

It is a blessing to see the beauty in nature 
in all seasons of life and death. 

This was shot out of my bedroom window yesterday, 
documenting the first snowfall of the season 
at our northern Utah home.  


eileeninmd said...

Hello, nature is beautiful. Lovely image! Enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is beautiful and i prefer flowers that are dying over full blooms. i also love leaveless trees. and i am NOT a photosnop, enjoyed that post to

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is so beautiful.I am waiting for that first snowfall that will actually cover the ground.

Mersad said...

At least the snowfall there is appropriate with the Calendar. Here it's still warm in the day! :) That's a wonderful shot.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

The cycle of life. A beautiful capture, Karen.
I love the snow.

Michelle said...

What a poignant photo, Karen.

Montanagirl said...

Stunning image!

Unknown said...

Karen, simply beautiful! We haven't had any snow yet, but we're in the middle of our second major storm on the coast. Lots of wind and lots & lots of rain!

Stephanie said...

Beautifully shot, Karen!

Linda W. said...

Wonderful image! And I'm jealous you're getting snow.

ADRIAN said...

Good to see some snow. I find it uplifting though the tree doesn't.

ADRIAN said...

PS. I meant sunflower.

you-wee because said...

Ouch! I was not prepared for a picture with snow that early in November! ;-) But I like your idea to combine the end-of-season sunflower with the first harbingers of winter.
On the other hand: the month of November is commonly a gray, dull and wet part of the year with lot of fog or rain. But November 2015 in stark contrast a month with unusual high temperatures, blue sky and a lot of sunshine. So currently our winter seems to be still far away in our minds - now with your photo it approached much closer!

From the Kitchen said...

Indeed it is snowing where you live! We are having a wild rain here but it's hard to capture a photo of a raindrop.


Andrea said...

A lovely prose for a lovely photo. We can always find beauty in everything when our consciousness is filled with it. It seems like your winter is earlier than those in other countries. Ours is also very much affected by El Nino and climate change.

Anita Johnson said...

I guess I should bow to old age and winter more gracefully too. Such simple beauty right outside your window!

Hilary said...

There is something incredibly endearing about a spent sunflower and you captured that vulnerability so beautifully. The snow only makes it more wonderful.

diane b said...

An emotive shot. It makes me feel cold and sad but then I look out my window and see sunny, blue sky and a garden full of fun.

Anonymous said...

what a wow shot.. it is eye catching. So I can see why you are using it to document the first snow.. Great job!

Barb said...

Karen, This seems late for your first snowfall. I can no longer see my flowers' bowed heads!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I just love this photo. I've clicked on this post several times just to stare at it. Thanks.