Today is Gavin's birthday. We had a party to celebrate this beautiful little boy angel who brought so much joy to our family. For dinner we had his favorites: hot dogs, watermelon and blueberries. For dessert we had green rice krispie squares. (For his one year birthday party he also had green rice krispie squares with green frosting instead of cake because he was allergic to milk products.) We sang happy birthday, and his cousins blew out a Number 2 candle, then opened a few presents they got to keep. Then we watched some of our favorite videos of Gavin's brief life and laughed and remembered how cute he was, how much personality he had, and what a joyful little spirit he was. We then went to the cemetery and admired his beautiful gravestone and the tree Jaron & Michelle had planted to honor him. We all sent green and white balloons up to heaven. How blessed we are that Heavenly Father sent Gavin to our family and that he lived in our home for 8 months. We love you Gavin and look forward to living with you for eternity after this brief separation called mortal life is over. Here are some pictures of his one year birthday party, and a couple from today.