Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hibiscus Memory

My mom loved flowers and our backyard in California was always overflowing with many varieties of them. Usually Mom liked to keep flowers alive and growing outside, with one exception. At dinnertime, when we would always sit down and eat together as a family, she would pick one flower, usually a hibiscus, camellia or gardenia, and float it in a small bowl of water for a simple, yet lovely, table decoration. Sometimes the little things a mother does become a wonderful family memory!


Nancy J said...

I agree, my Mum always had scones, or scrambled eggs and cups of tea for the power lines men after they repaired lines that came down with a storm, or a fault somewhere. We lived at the very outer edge of their area, and I am sure after working in the cold rain and strong wind, it was all so welcome.Beautiful red.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Precious memories and a beautiful picture.

Bill said...

Well---- that's just flat out amazing!!! Super picture, Karen!