Monday, March 13, 2017

Mary Ellen Larsen

We just said goodbye, for now, to Jeff's wonderful mother who passed away at the age of 94. She set an unwavering example for her 4 children, 23 grandchildren and 63 great grandchildren, of integrity, humility, hard work, compassion, and all that is good and praiseworthy. But above all, she was a women completely devoted to her faith and her family. It is appropriate that she left this world at the beginning of Spring when we think of growth and new life, as she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that her death from this life was just a rebirth into the next stage of life where she would live a glorious eternity surrounded by her loved ones who have already taken that journey. Because she knew this, she was prepared and ready, and perfectly at peace when she knew her time was close at hand. As a family we rejoice in her life and legacy, in new beginnings, and in the eternal nature of all things God has created!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

My condolences on your loss, and I know she would love this stunning memorial flower. she really did leave a large legacy.

Bill said...

A lovely memorial...

Nancy J said...

A tribute from your heart, and a golden Daffodil to be with her on her next pathway.

Unknown said...

Karen, my condolences! My thoughts are with you and Jeff! This is a wonder Spring image!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What an awesome testimony to the assurance of eternal life. May God give you great comfort.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A fitting image to remember jeff's mother.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Prayers and hugs to the family.

(Love that bokeh)

What Karen Sees said...

Thank you Sandra!

What Karen Sees said...

Thanks so much!

What Karen Sees said...

Thanks Bill!

What Karen Sees said...

Appreciate your thoughts Robin!

What Karen Sees said...

Ruth, thank you so much!

What Karen Sees said...

Thank you Margaret!

What Karen Sees said...

Thanks for your support! (I love the bokeh too!)

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