Monday, October 10, 2016

Lake Powell - 2016

Lake Powell Sunrise - 2016

I've just returned from spending ten glorious days 'off the grid', no cell phone, no internet, no email, living on a houseboat at Lake Powell for our annual family vacation. Ten days building family memories....wake boarding, jet skiing, kayaking, spear fishing, reading, relaxing, telling ghost stories around the camp fire, and eating enough junk food to last a year. I am so blessed to have children and grandchildren who all love each other, and enjoy being together. Oh, and did I mention being surrounded by beautiful southwestern scenery. This shot was taken from the houseboat, at sunrise. (And looks better when 'clicked' larger.)


Nancy J said...

Totally gorgeous. and a holiday made with memories that will be with you forever.

Bill said...

Now THAT was worth getting up for! Beautiful, Karen.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Lovely skyscape

Unknown said...

Karen, sounds like and idillic holiday! Especially with scenery like that!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Truly beautiful capture, Karen.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This can be summed up in one word.AWESOME!

Michelle said...

Your trip sounds fantastic and this is such a peaceful shot. said...

Sounds like a heavenly week and the picture goes with it -- heavenly!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is AMAZING... so is being off the grid that long