Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fall Still Life...in my Kitchen!

Fall Still Life.....(in my kitchen!!)

It was rainy and windy yesterday, so I decided to have a little Photoshop fun, and decided to bring the outside in, and do a little photography and creativity without needing to wear a raincoat!!  Can you guess how I did this?  I won't keep you in suspense.......

Cookie tray on kitchen table.  Natural light from window.  Dangling leaves suspended from overhead chandelier.  Camera on tripod, set to timer and multiple bursts while I poured water through a sieve to add water and hint of falling rain.  (This is just one of multiple images I combined to make the final.) 


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

you're so creative :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a super idea and I love the photo, it really looks like a rainy day with leaves still falling.

Bill said...

Hey--- it works for me!

Unknown said...

Karen, very good!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Getting creative with the camera is so much fun.

Andrea said...

The final outcome is great! In that first big photo i thought it was shot through a glass wall, with those vertical whites as light deflection. But when you told us the secret about the sieve i laughed out loud.