Monday, June 22, 2015

My Men & Their Cars

I don't usually post family photos on my photography blog, (I have a family blog for that), but I thought since I have been posting so many flowers lately, that I should post something 'manly'!  Here are three of my four men and their classic muscle cars.  My husband has helped our three boys each restore a car and he has restored several himself.  (For you car buffs, you may be interested in Jeff's story of finding and restoring the car in this photo.  The story is HERE.)  The colors on these cars are original and I love their names:  Vitamin C, Top Banana & Plum Crazy.  There is almost nothing our boys, (now men),  would rather do than spend time with each other and their Dad, with their heads under the hood of an old car!!!  Our third son lives in another state now and is so jealous he can't share in the fun more often.  
I think this is a pretty handsome group, (especially my grandson).....and the cars aren't bad either!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all handsome, men and cars and hubby loves old cars to. i have to listen to a stream of every car her ever owned since he was 15 and the fact that he wishes he still had them.. we see them on TV and he is off and running about the one or two he had JUST LIKE THAT. love the plum crazy purple color.

Barb said...

Those cars really make a statement. Before you know it, the grandson will be restoring one!

Michelle said...

Very impressive! Both the cars and your handsome family!

Unknown said...

Karen, what a great family photo and a great family hobby! Love that crazy purple!

Stephanie said...

Wonderful shot!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fabulous post both cars and men plus greandson!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Those are some sweet rides.

Rick said...

I totally understand why son #3 would be jealous ! Wow - that's some talent on display there (the restored cars). And very creative names also. Wouldn't I love to take any one of those out for a spin.