Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bees, Cactus & Gopher Plant

 I took these photos about two weeks ago in my southern Utah backyard.  This is a close up of what is commonly called a gopher plant.  (I was too lazy to see if it has a more 'official' name.)

 The gopher plants in my yard were in full bloom and the bees were going crazy!  Here, one cluster of blooms was nestled against a cactus, creating a very interesting backdrop.

The bees were so busy with their work that they hardly noticed me.  The lens of my camera was only an inch or so away from this guy.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shots! Flowers are very beautiful and the bees inside them has come out very good...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are very brave and he is GORGEOUS!!! i can see the grains of pollen and each little tiny leg and the veins in the wings, fur on the back. what a beautiful flower.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The end result are some gorgeous shots. said...

You could sell that last photo to Nat'l Geographic. It's so detailed!! Beautiful work.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love bees. They are such miraculous little creatures.

darlin said...

Beautiful shots! Buds, blossoms and bees... not for a while yet here. Sure it's officially spring, but we just had about a foot of snow dumped on us in this past few days... again! lol

Wishing you a fantastic week Karen!

Kay Lynn Larsen said...

Cool! I love all the pollen on the bee that you can see.