Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My how time goes by so fast!  Just not enough time to fit everything in, and that includes blogging!  Hope I can do better soon!  Here is one I recently took at Thanksgiving Point in preparation for a second flower photography class I'm teaching.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is truly elegant and looks like ribbons said...

Elegant is a perfect description of the colors of that flower. Lovely photo.

Unknown said...

Karen, stunning shot!

Montanagirl said...

Stunning photo! I just broke my own rule of blogging only once a week. Had to post a fence today. lol.

Scott Law said...

What a beauty, Karen. It's hard to express what a gorgeous image this is.

OBTW, I finally made the leap to full frame. I posted a little about it on my blog.

Hilary said...

Lovely shot, Karen. There are no rules to how often we need to blog. We post when the time and inspiration allows.