Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Almost Time for Moab Fun!!

Here is what we do for fun in Moab:

Our son guiding his Dad down a steep cliff.

 Smooth sand makes for a fast and fun ride.

Nothing like splashing in the water on a hot day.

Here's what crazy people (IMHO) do in Moab:

 They go places that are impossible to go.

 They pop tires and break axles and fix them on the spot.

They thrive on challenges.  It is truly a contest between man and machine verses rock and boulder!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks really scary to me, i am the original henny penny the sky is falling... love that splash photo. super photos ops here... i am betting all those that are in the stuck position were driven by men

Unknown said...

Karen, Oooo, what fun!

Montanagirl said...

Love the water splash photo. And it looks like they get into some impossible situations to get out of!

Lisa said...

wow . So awesome and what fun...Loved the images you captured to keep for a life time.

Scott Law said...

My wife and I are taking the 5th Wheel and heading down there in the latter part of next month. She has never been to any of the parks there so I'm going to show her around. We're looking forward to that too.

Annie said...

Those are crazy things to do in Jeep. I can't wrap my head around why some do that. Safety and cost of repairs are 2 reasons I'd avoid doing those crazy things!
Your RZR adventures look more fun and safe!

Kay Lynn Larsen said...

I'm glad when we went with you on your razors we didn't get into any jams like that!! It doesn't look fun to me, but it does make for some great pictures for you.