Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

 My Scariest Halloween Creatures

These photos were taken of bigger than life sized creatures created at the Weta Workshop in New Zealand.  This company is responsible for the design and production of the creatures in the movies Lord of the Rings, King Kong and Avatar, to name just a few.  Happy Halloween!! 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

yikes these certainly look like demons from hell... i wondered where in the world you got them, until i read the post...

Montanagirl said...

Wow - Very scary looking! Happy Halloween!!

Unknown said...

Karen, scary or what! Wouldn't like to see them at my door!

Hilary said...

They sure do make for some startling images.

Scott Law said...

Now those are flat scary and very creative. Fun to visit again and see that you are still up to your old tricks. OBTW, I've started posting on a limited basis again.

Dagmar said...

Geezz Louise you gave me a scare here. I've seen Lord of the Rings with my oldest son (we are fans) but man are these creatures brrrrr......

Happy Halloween to you too (even if it's over by now hihi).