Sunday, September 22, 2013

Starfish on Cannon Beach, Oregon

We took a quick trip to Washington to visit our dentist (Jeff's bro).  They live in such a beautiful place, surrounded by many beautiful places, so we took several extra days before heading home.  Unfortunately it was raining most of the week.  We had one beautiful day, and that happened to be the day we headed over to the coast and spent the day at Canon Beach, Oregon.  The tide was out and I've never seen such HUGE and COLORFUL starfish!   They were everywhere.

Yes, they were really this big.  I was not using a macro lens and didn't do any editing to make them look bigger or more amazing.  To see some perspective on their size, check out the next photo.

I included my own shadow in this shot to show you the size of these beauties!


Scott Law said...

We love the Oregon coast, especially when the tide is very low. These are some great shots, Karen.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea at all that they come this big or in these bright colors, i only know the kind we have here which are small and beige in color... wow and wow again.

bugnose7 said...

They are beautiful and amazing.

Montanagirl said...

I didn't know Starfish were so big - or so colorful!!

Unknown said...

Karen, beautiful shots! There's such a variety of stars! said...

Another experience of finding the "unexpected" and so beautiful and amazing!

diane b said...


Here I Am Carrie said...

I love your perspective on the starfish photoes especially the first one. It makes the star fish looked like giants compared to the people. There are pretty big. I was just at the Oregon coast about a month ago and missed a walk with family when they saw all the starfish when the tide was out.

Suzanne said...

I've never seen anything like this! Starfish yes, but these are gigantic and such amazing colors. Gotta get to Oregon again soon.