Sunday, July 15, 2012

Feathered Friends in Sydney

There must be a clever title for this shot, but I can't think of it!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he didn't pay too much for that hat.

diane b said...


MTWaggin said...

Top dog, um I mean bird!

darlin said...

LOL this is priceless, I'll sleep on what I'd call this shot and get back to you if I come up with anything brilliant. My creative energies have done left me for the evening.

Have a wonderful week Karen, thanks for the midnight chuckle!

Here I Am Carrie said...

Don't know if I would want a bird sitting on my head. Especially a seagull. Funny how so many things could be said about the bird on his head but nothing comes to my mind either. Hope you are enjoying your journey in life. Your photos are just beautiful. said...

May the bird on the hat retain his lunch.