Saturday, June 9, 2012

Harbor Bridge, Auckland, New Zealand


This is my first photo of the Harbor Bridge.  We wandered in and out and around local neighborhoods until we came upon this little bay with a lovely view of the Harbor Bridge with the Sky Tower in the background.  Earlier, I found other views but they were boring because there was nothing of interest in the foreground.  And even though the tide was out,  (so there were no great reflections in the water), I still like how this turned out.

(I shot this at f/16 for 13 seconds.  Using a small aperture is what makes the lights turn into stars.)


Anonymous said...

Wow, very nice. Thanks for the photo information too.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Wow..I like it too!!! a whole lot....

Unknown said...

Karen, lovely shot! I like all the little stars! said...

This is a fantastic photo. It almost looks CG with the starry lights on the bridge.

darlin said...

Oh my goodness, this is stunning! And to think I was in Auckland and missed seeing this, it was only a brief stopover on the way to and from Australia. One day I hope to visit New Zealand, your photos show me I must!

How much longer are you away for?

Have a wonderful weekend Karen!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Excellent night photography !

diane b said...

Wow a super night shot. Thanks for the details. Do they still call the bridge "the nippon clipon". On our first visit there years ago they had just added more lanes to the bridge. A japanese company won the contract and they clipped on the new lanes.So they nicknamed it the nippon clipon bridge.

MTWaggin said...

Awesome composition my dear!

Lisa said...

That is spectacular

bugnose7 said...

I like how you see the primitive boat in front of the city. Nice contrast.

Kathy said...

Spectacular! 13 seconds, huh?