Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Auckland Skyline at Night

Yesterday was a holiday to celebrate the Queen's birthday.  I celebrated by taking photos.  For the first time since we've been in New Zealand I went out by myself with no other purpose than to shoot pictures.  Although we've been to some amazing places with spectacular scenery, we are always on our way to an assignment or other activity and I always have to rush to squeeze in a photo or two.  And the times we do have free, Jeff is always with me and he's not keen on hanging around too long while I mess around with camera equipment, lenses, and filters or take time scouting around for the best compositions.  

I've wanted to get some pictures of the Auckland skyline at night ever since we've been here, so this was the day.  The Sky Tower shines with different colors and combinations of colors for special occasions and holidays and is the tallest freestanding structure in the southern hemisphere.


MTWaggin said...

You definetly did a great job! Skylines at night are rather difficult and you framed it perfectly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow oh wow on the photo. i have been watching the Jubilee on TV

Unknown said...

Fabulous image love the reflections f light in the water

Unknown said...

Karen, wonderful image! Glad you were able to get out for a photo shoot on your own! I always find I don't have enough time when I'm with others! I like to get out and just putz around with it!

diane b said...

You sure made the most of your first free time for photography. It must be frustrating for a photographer of your calibre not to have time to photograph in depth on your fabulous trips around the south seas. Have you been up the tower and walked on the glass floor??

Lisa said...

You are so talented