Monday, August 29, 2011

Wellington Sunset


We have spent the past four days in Wellington, the capitol of New Zealand, and a beautiful town at the south end of the north island.  It reminds me a bit of San Francisco and is nestled among rolling hills, lush vegetation and surrounded on all sides by water.  (Flying in, if you 'under shoot' or 'over shoot' the runway in either direction, you are in the water!  The roads are narrow and curvy, and transport you through tunnels, around beautiful coastal drives and on top of knolls with breathtaking vistas.  This evening, after a drive along at the edge of the water around beautiful bays and craggy rock beaches, we watched the ferry boat coming from the south island, the airplanes landing with only yards between water and runway, surfers catching the last waves of the day, and finally this sunset..... all while eating our Tip Top ice cream cones.  (Have I mentioned the ice cream in NZ????)  Isn't missionary work great!! Seriously, visit my missionary blog to read about our assignment in Wellington.


Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

An amazing photo Karen!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have been transported to the Land Of Beauty for sure.

diane b said...

That looks like a painting. The sky looks like Windy Wellington is living up to is name.

Mersad said...

Just amazing. Speaks to me on so many levels. Thank you Karen for this amazing image.

S. Etole said...

What a beautiful combination of colors.

Scott Law said...

Love the mix of the peach clouds with the white ones. Looks and sounds like a beautiful place.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is spectacular.

Lisa said...

Gorgeous Karen.Your processing is amazing. said...

How do we tell if you're on vacation or assignment? Seriously these shots are great, though I only dared peek briefly.