Friday, July 29, 2011

Raglan, New Zealand

On another Saturday jaunt, we went to the temple in Hamilton, then drove to the west coast, which has 'wild' water.  Years ago there was a surfing movie called 'The Endless Summer' (so I'm told), where a group of surfers traveled the world chasing the sun and surf, and one of the places they stopped was Raglan.  Around the next bay from this shot we watched some surfers who were satisfied with winter water in Raglan.  It was cloudy and rainy while we were here but at sunset, the clouds parted for just a few minutes allowing the sun to sweep across this landscape.  I've lost track of how many spectacularly beautiful beaches we have seen in three months, and we still have many, many more to see!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ab so lute ly stunning!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic image. I remember Bruce Brown's "Endless Summer". A great movie; first of it's kind back in the 60's. I ought to Netflix it and see it again.

Scott Law said...

That is a beautiful scene. Of course you know how to make the most of it as you always do. I remember "hearing about" Endless Summer to. I may have to do like John.

Unknown said...

Karen, tremendous image! Very dynamic. What a wonderland.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

That's beautiful and looks like paradise. We live close the the gulf and can never find a secluded beach. Happy weekend.

diane b said...

Fabulous shot Karen. The light is fantastic. The land of the long white cloud has spectacular cloud formations and beautiful beaches.