Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anyone With An Opinion?????

"Many Hands Make Light Work"

Hey, photo friends, I need your help!  First, a little back ground.  There is a photography festival in Auckland, and yesterday was photographer participation day.  The theme was, "My day in Auckland" and photographers can submit 3 photos, all of which had to be taken on that day.  They are supposed to represent and show the photographer's interpretation of what he saw or what he did on that day that gives a feel and flavor of daily life in the Auckland area.  

Jeff and I decided to venture into the city, which we hadn't done yet.  We walked along the streets, ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant overlooking the harbor, (very few Mexican restaurants here in NZ), and had a fun day 'people watching'.  Any of you who visit my blog know that street photography is not my strong point, but I thought I'd give it a try. So this is where your help comes in.  I've narrowed down my photos to a reasonable number and now would like you to tell me your favorites, and give me suggestions for some witty titles.  (The ones I have are lame.)  If you're willing to help me out, click HERE, and tena rawa atu koe ('thank you very much' in Maori)!  


Cathy said...

Wow, they're all so beautiful it's a hard decision. I especially liked #4,7,11,16,with 24 being my favorite. On #11 my title would be 'So this is how spiderman does it'.

Anonymous said...

I would go with #11, and I like Cathy's caption for that photograph.

Sarah Knight said...

I would say 3, 18, and 22 are the most positively representational pictures of a stroll through a city.

Hilary said...

I love the kids on the steps and the one which I'd call "Suspended Sentence" (it makes me think of a chain gang, working on painting the building).

Many great shots here, both those two, and the one you've displayed here are my favourites.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I love #2 - the look on her face is priceless - like a little girl showing off her "new" hat...
and having the time of her laugh - busting with laughter... great shots really...

Unknown said...

Like the Ocean Buffet pic you could call it "Buffet the ham pie slayer" Ha ha but seriously it's a fab photo along with the above and couple in colourful diner. GOOD LUCK

Unknown said...

Karen, I like 11! It really makes me wonder which side is real and which is the reflection. That makes me look at it longer than all the rest!
That's one crazy tour bus!
All the shots are great!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

The ones I checked weren't the ones that popped up.
So, I'll use the numbers...11, 16, 17, 20, 24

Unknown said...

All your photos are great, but my favorites are numbers 2, 5, 7, and 11. My caption for #11 would be "just hanging in there". Number 2 would be "Easter Bonnet", # 5--"Which door is the Buffet", I like your caption for #7; it also gives me a good view of what city life is and a nice view of the city itself.

Good luck, and let us know how you do!

Tanna said...

They are all great. I can't help appreciating the story #13 tells and I love #12 and #11! I am terrible with names, but you have captured some great shots, Karen. Blessings~ Tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well i love the man and the mirror, will check out the others. all of your photos are special to me, headed over to check them out

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a wonderful place to be, and i bet your finger is sore from pushing the button. my 3 favs are
the man in the mirro
the mexicali with all those chairs
and the line dancers in put your right foot in.

Carin said...

Those are amazing photos Karen...great job!! My favorites are #3 (Anticipation), #8 (Simple joys). I love #11, #12 & #20 with no titles... And #19 (Nom, nom! Great White coming through.) What a fun day!!

darlin said...

Wow Karen, that was a tough one. But here's my picks and what I'd call them; #24 - Serenity, #11 - Unity, #13 - Reality. If we were to choose 4 my 4th would be the lady in the rain with the cardboard over her head and I'd call that "The Weatherman Lied", the little girl eating to cone is also another great shot. That was so hard to do, I had to go back and forth through the photos quite a few times, your work is amazing!

All the best with the contest. Please keep us posted how you do. Have a fantastic week!

myonlyphoto said...

Karen all of them are great, but my favorite is Hanging Out in Auckland, it is really neat photo. Anna :)

Crystal said...

Hopefully everyone's opinions don't make this harder but I would say, 11,12, and 15 are my favorites

Scott Law said...

I'm probably way too late, but I do have to say I like the closer shots with peoples real emotions on their faces. But I have to say I just love these shots. As always some really nice work there.