Saturday, March 5, 2011

The HIGHS and the LOWS

Dear Family and Friends,

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activities as we are preparing for our departure to New Zealand.  We've had a ton of medical tests, dental work, VISA paperwork, as well as attempting to arrange our personal and financial affairs while we are gone for 18 months.  During this time we have also had special training to help prepare for our responsibilities and work.  It has been a HIGH point in our lives as we have had so many wonderful experiences.

As sometimes happens, however, we have had a LOW point at the same time.  Jeff's dear father, the honored patriarch and leader of our extended family, passed away early this morning of old age.  He was 94.  I have not known a finer man.  A gentle, strong, loving, spiritual, faithful, intelligent, determined, hard working man, who has been the perfect example of manhood and leadership to our family.  We respect him, we love him, and we honor him with all our hearts.  He will be deeply missed, but in our religion, we know he lives still and is now rejoicing as he greets family and friends that have gone before, and we know he will be waiting for each of us when it is our turn to join him.

  Chester "Chet" Lavoy Larsen

Chet and Jeff (my husband)

Chet & Mary Ellen (last year's birthdays)

P.S.  In the next day or so I will post some of the experiences of the past few weeks on Our Kiwi Krossings.


Stephani Cochran said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Chet sure was a handsome young man and had a lot of love in his eyes even as an older man. ~ Praying for you as you go through this and as you begin your new journey.

Anonymous said...

I'm incredibly sorry for your loss, but these are fantabulous images = God bless him & his trip to the other side!

Ginny Hartzler said...

My condolences are with you and your family, Karen.

Unknown said...

Karen, my thoughts are with you and your family at this time of grief!
May you all be blessed with peace and love.

Sarah Knight said...

My condolences on your loss, and best of luck on your journey

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have really missed your post, but knew you were busy. this is a very moving tribute to your father in law and I to believe when we die we are in heaven and waiting with those who went before for those yet to come. so happy for you and your new life that will begin shortly

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. As I was reading your post, I couldn't help thinking how difficult it would have been for you and your husband had you been in New Zealand when Jeff's father passed away.

Tanna said...

Karen, I am so sorry for your loss. Mr. Chet sounds like he was a wonderful patriarch for your family. Your words and photos are a beautiful tribute to him. Blessings to each of you ~ Tanna

What Karen Sees said...

Thank you my sweet friends for your kind words. I've missed visiting your blogs and the inspiration I receive from you all, but hopefully I will soon!

Scott Law said...

So sorry for your loss, but, as you eluded to, he has moved on to a greater sphere where he will prepare for you. I'm confident he will also be there to help you on your mission when needed. I will be following your Kiwi Khronicles with great anticipation.

Judy said...

Hi Karen,

Sorry to hear of your loss. May he rest in peace with the Lord. And may your trip to New Zealand be blessed!


Crystal said...

I am missing grandpa today.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

So sorry of your loss Karen...know that you and your family are in our prayers...
PS...I've missed you!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Karen... so sorry for the loss of a obvious loved person! So sorry. On the lighter side of things... sounds like a mission to New Zealand? That sounds like a very awesome experience. I bet there is a lot of work to be done with the recent earthquake... Our prayers are with you

bugnose7 said...

Thanks for the pictures Karen. When Jeff went on his mission as a young man my Grandma died. Now you are leaving and Daddy dies. Life does have highs and lows.

Sarah said...

What great pictures of a great man! He is a handsome man in his younger days. We'll miss him!

Congratulations on your mission call, so exciting!! You'll be great missionaries!

Don said...

I'm sorry to hear this news. Life can be so hard sometimes. Know that I'm thinking of you.

Mister D said...

Lovely photos - God bless you all.

Dagmar said...

Oh my that this is happening just before you're leaving. I'm so sorry to hear and my condolences to all of you.
What a great post you are sending out here on your fatherinlaw's behalf. I'll be thinking of you and yours these coming days. My heart goes out to you all.
Be well my far a way friend.
Soft gentle hugs D

Unknown said...

Chet and Mary Ellen look very happy. This proves beyond any doubt that Marrage works. You are so fortunate to have been witness to such a loving and strong man and his true love for Ellen. I am so sorry for your loss.
May God Bless you and your Family.

diane b said...

Somehow my comment here didn't appear when I made it a few weeks ago. It must be an exciting time for you on the brink of a South Sea Adventure. Sad new about your FIL he looked a strong handsome man. I send my sympathy to all involved. said...

These pictures bring back that whirlwind week so strongly again. That we should have his funeral on a Saturday and your "farewell" events on Sunday was very ironic and miraculous. He is probably as close as you are, but just doesn't have a computer in the realm of spirits.