Thursday, January 6, 2011



Michelle is due at the end of the month, so the other day we took some fun maternity shots, a few of which I'll share with you this week.  If you've ever tried to get an 18 month old to cooperate in any way, including taking photographs, you know you've got to be tricky.  I envisioned this shot with Sawyer pointing to Michelle's belly, but the only way we could get him to do it was to tape a cracker to her belly, which you can see in the photo.  I was going to photoshop it out, but thought it was fun to leave it in.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Tried lots of photography with my daughter from when she was born to 2 years old... I know, it is not easy... Nice one


Unknown said...

Tricky, tricky!
Karen, have a great time in Arizona. I've only been there once, but loved it!

Anonymous said...


Kenneth Larsson said...

Such a beautiful picture. I just love it! :-)

Have a nice day!

diane b said...

A very cute shot. Everyone must be getting excited. have a great trip visiting family. Enjoy the warmer weather in cold Arizona.

Tanna said...

Ahhhh! Excellent idea! Bribery with crackers! My grandson is 18 months old and he is really hard to catch in any kind of pose; he does love him some Pepperidge Farm fish crackers though! LOL! Next time I have the chance to photograph him, I'll be leaving a cracker-crumb trail!

That photo is wonderful.

Char said...

sweet sweet shot

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea and she looks ready to pop. you also caputred joy on her face and on Sawyers face, even if it was for a cracker. can't wait for the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if i would have thought of taking a cracker to the mother's belly. What an imaginative idea! Great picture, by the way! I've just realized what I like so much about your blog. You think outside of the box!

Justine said...

what a lovely capture! have a wonderful time in Arizona.

Tiera said...

Very cute!

Scott Law said...

Very creative in both thought and execution! I really like it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, that is funny! But it turned out beautifully, I love the pose, it speaks of love and protection.

Unknown said...

What an adorable photo. I hope you have a great time in AZ..

Hugs, Linda said...

So very clever and a fun photo besides.

bugnose7 said...

What great pictures of Michelle, Jaron and Sawyer. It would be great if Bucky showed up on Grandpa Larsen's birthday.

Lisa said...

Those are the cutest maternity pictures ever! We will be excited for the big announcement

Lisa said...

Karen these are just beautiful shots.