Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wedding Photography-To Edit or Not to Edit????

From DULL..........

........To DAZZLING!

Wedding photography preferences are as unique and individual as the people you photograph.  Couples may say they want very traditional poses and images, some may want photojournalism- candid style photography, some may be in love with black & white, and some may want to be on the cutting edge of the latest photography trend.  What I've found, is, that regardless of what they tell you, most couples really don't know what they'll like until they see it.  Here's what I've learned to do.  I present all their wedding photos in classic color with little editing.  Then I take some of my personal favorites, duplicate them, and add my own 'photo art'.  I vary my edits from simple sepia and black & white to more dramatic creativity like the image above and the image two posts back.  They get to see the original and compare it to the artistic version.  They will then know instantly what they like and don't like,  and are thrilled you have taken the time to give them a choice.

Side note:  dark gray days with low contrast lighting will produce flat, dull looking pictures.  No matter how pretty the location, or great the pose, if the lighting is dull, your photos will not pop.  This is a great time to practice and add some creative flair. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, what a difference! I wish we'd had such a great photographer like you when we were married, he was just clueless.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost afraid to ask, but how'd you get the sky to look like that? I love it and her dress really POPS out! Wonderful processing

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and this is
Dazzling without a doubt and i wonder why anyone would NOT edit

What Karen Sees said...

Tricia, I was afraid someone was going to ask me how I got this look!!! Sigh! Now I'm going to have to admit that when I start doing a 'creative' edit, I get so excited because it is so fun to do, that I OFTEN forget what I did. And the truth is that it's never just one thing. I use a ton of different 'steps' I've learned thru the years plus different 'actions' 'presets' and 'plugins'. It would probably take a whole page to describe what I've done, and I wouldn't remember without writing it down as I went along. Sigh, again! I have so many people ask me, that the thought crossed my mind to start doing some sessions, either group or one on one, over the computer, where you could actually see my computer screen as I edit an image, (you know, like on 'Go To Meeting').

From the Kitchen said...

To me, even the "dull" is "dazzling". I'm still just using Iphoto. Once I master that, I'll be asking for advice on a better alternative and, probably, more than advice.


jennyfreckles said...

I'm enjoying your blog Karen. What terrific processing skills you have - that 2nd image really stands out. I'm just beginning to explore doing some more artistic stuff. I can relate to what you say about losing track of the steps! I always mean to write it down so I can do it again but always forget.

SouthernSass said...

WOW! I thought the original was nice, but yes, the edited photo is dazzling! Do you use Topaz labs? They are a great plug-in that gives photos a nice pop!

Tanna said...

Oh, my. I loved the first one and then the second one was even more "dazzling"! Incredible enhancement. Love it! Thank you again for showing us some possibilities!

Blaine Stewart said...

I thinks that's a touch of a professional, every thing is perfectly balanced. What's else do you want. Keep doing this work dude as I think you have master it!!!

Dagmar said...

Love the first one...but yea the second one dazzles me, it's almost disney like, fairytail like.
Wonderful job here Karen.
Hugs D.

Unknown said...

Nice editing Karen the second image has an almost HDR effect on the building very nice indeed, but I also like the original which I bet looks nice in B+W with a bit of dodging and burning.

Anonymous said...

That's ok, I completely understand! I've been using Paint Shop Pro, so I probably wouldn't have been able to translate it as you're probably using Adobe, right? I'm just going to have to break down & buy it so I can do more editing... and now, I sigh! =)

Scott Law said...

Karen, I really really like what you did with that. I love the texture in the Temple and how the skin tones came out. I definitely know what you mean about not knowing every step because I'm terrible that way, I just go to work until I find what I want and usually could not repeat it if my life depended on it.

Chad said...

I actually like both photos.I think which one I liked they best would depend on how I was feeling that day.I always enjoy seeing what you do with each photo.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

For me, what you have said in the last statement is so true that the conditions of the shoot may not be perfect; it is the post processing that will bring out those contrast ! Indeed, everyone have their own preference ! And thanks for kind comment and visit to my blog ! Good deed you are doing for the not so fortunate ! Cheers to photography.

Tommy Andre Nekkoy said...

Dassling is my favourite - It's amazing how different a picture can turn out after working on it on your computer - Well done.

I'll follow your blog, it gives me inspiration

bj said...

Ummm, I love your photos.
Thanks so much for coming by..and following. I am following you right back :))
xo bj

Anita Johnson said...

I love what you did with this picture! I have a similar approach to photo sessions. I love to edit a few of my favorites in ways the couple might not even know was possible...just for fun. The couple can then choose their style. Thie photo you edited became artwork, not just a keepsake! Beautiful!

CatlinaFly said...

I agree with you about making the editing version & keep the original one for comparison.

I have a friend who doesn't like I can prove to him that we still NEED editing no matter how little or big it is