Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunrise Sunday

What a Way to Start the Day!
 (camera settings: 1/160 sec, f/5.6, ISO 200, 15mm fisheye lens, tripod on gently rocking houseboat.  Several of you ask me to post my camera settings.  Usually I don't because by the time I tweak in PS, add an action or effect, the settings are not so relevant.  This shot, however, was SOOTC)

I really need to simplify my life.... you know cut out more stuff that isn't photography related!!!  (I'm just kidding, just the opposite, I really need to get my 'hobby' under control.)  You see, I take the photos but sometimes get so busy it takes me forever to download them to the computer.  Instead, when I'm ready for another photo op, I just get a clean CF card and move on.  This often results is a nice little stack of full cards sitting next to my computer getting lonely and waiting for me to give them attention.  The good news is, when I finally get to them, it's a surprise and I relive the event all over again, and usually with a fresh eye after a little time has elapsed.  Now I'm certainly not advocating this, but sometimes I get a nice surprise.  Like yesterday I was lamenting to myself because I had run out of images to use for Scott's Sunset Sunday, but later that day when I decided to download some of the 'patiently waiting' cards, I discovered our October Lake Powell trip, and yes, more brilliantly colored sunrises.  I'm enjoying those early mornings on the lake again, and even more so since I woke up to a snow covered wintry day here in my neck of the woods.

P.S.  On another subject.  We tried the turkey recipe I posted several posts ago and we're sold!!!  This was the best turkey we've every roasted.  Nice to finally learn how to do it after 40 years! 


Berit said...

Karen this picture is amazing.
I'm also impressed of you and your way, trying to help people in need.
Wish everyone could have similar thoughts.
Wishing you a nice week.
Greetings from Berit.

Anonymous said...

Of all the Sunrise Sunday photos I've seen this win!

George said...

This is a beautiful photo, and I'm very impressed that it is SOOTC! The colors are absolutely gorgeous. I can appreciate how you feel about all the cards that need to be downloaded. I have many pictures to go through as well.
Thanks for visiting my site. I enjoyed looking through your photos, and I will be back.

Unknown said...

Karen, absolutely gorgeous sun rise!
Thanks for you PS, I was going to ask you how it was! I'll have to give it a try at Christmas!

Scott Law said...

Well my wife wondered why I was sitting here barefoot, until she saw this photo. Beautiful.

Chad said...

You hit the bulls eye with this one. With the snow we are having today,it makes me want to head south.

Linnea said...

WOW! What a shot!

Rick said...

Stunning, Karen ! Absolutely awe-some !!

I don't trust those wee, frail-looking cards, so I've gotten into the habit of downloading to my computer asap. My problem is that once I've selected something to post, I don't go back (usually) to clean up what I didn't like or didn't make the grade. Ah, someday. said...

This is absolutely stunning Karen. So glad you found it.

SouthernSass said...

WOW - this is stunning!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm way behind in answering emails and checking blogs, and almost missed this,stunning view and how wonderful for us that you found it. keep going through that stack of cards, we are waiting to SEE what Karen Sees

Here I Am Carrie said...

What a wonderful surprise this must have been after having not seen it for awhile. It's like getting a gift when it happens. So beautiful. I have fallen so far behind keeping up here and on the computer. When I do get here try and read as many past blogs as possible. I love the one photo you took of the old guy at Calico town. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful talents and imformation on them..

Unknown said...

WOW.. I love this!

Sarah Knight said...

That is a lovely shot!
Glad your turkey turned out delicious :D

Sharon Creech said...

Wow--dramatic, lush photo!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Glorious - purely heaven...

Anonymous said...


Pedro D. H. said...


Thanks for passing by! You have a great blog as well!

This photo is just like the one I most like, wonderful shot!

A hello from Brazil.

lioneagle said...

Hi -

This photo is hugley stunning. Wow!
Thank you for sharing.

I found you on Judy's photo blog.
Certainly I will return here to visit.

If you are so inclined my photo blogs are:

I live in Washington,D.C.