Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes!!!

I just had to add a P.S. to my HDR review (last post).  This shot was taken one day after the shots in the previous post.  I'll be wearing black today.


Unknown said...

Wow, what a difference a day makes!
Meant to say yesterday: What a great back yard you have! And your great room is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wow, the dreaded white stuff! We're predicted to have below freezing overnight temperatures for the next several days so I guess it's time to break out the ice melter and snow shovel. Now if I can just find someone who knows how to operate the shovel.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

You got snow! Are you that sad?

Scott Law said...

Oh my GOSH! That is gorgeous. We got 0 snow, but I live out by the lake. I did notice some snow on the mountain side above Layton but it didn't look like this much. To answer your question on this morning's post, I did use HDR -Photomatix. Thanks for pointing me to your Tech Talk Tuesday HDR reviews. I've been very busy the last couple days and did not have time to get out to view blogs. I can't wait to read it.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Beautiful photograph, We've been getting snow too but apparently not as much as you!
Keep warm & happy winter! :-)

joey said...

Yikes, snow! But a lovely photo, Karen :)

Amber said...

WOW, mom you forgot to take off your "winter filter"!!! Ya ready to come visit us now? He he he. Just kidding. LOVE the photos, they are beautiful. Hate the snow...sure glad I'm here in my 90 degree weather with a slight breeze dangling my feet in the pool. Can't wait to see you at Christmas time.

jennyfreckles said...

That's beautiful. Though I'm not really ready for snow yet! This is my first visit to your blog Karen and it's full of great images and good tips. Many thanks.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh you poor thing, snow on the ground already. no wonder you are wearing black. the photos is absolutely lovely and a whole lot different than the others

Stephani Cochran said...

You've got to be kidding! The leaves on our trees are just barely starting to change! It is warm and sunny and roses are blooming! I can't imagine snow right now! It sure makes a pretty picture though! said...

It was a shock but gratefully it is melting fast. We may have just a few more days of fall.

Anonymous said...

Gee, my photo program doesn't have a "snow" tool listed under the 'effects' menu. :)

S. Etole said...

I've been trying to leave a comment on the HDR post you wrote but it isn't working. Thank you for a well-presented post. I've wondered what HDR was so it was very helpful. I do wonder which of the programs you used most accurately show the true colors of your LR.

About the snow ... I understand your feelings! {But it is beautiful}

Bobbie said...

Oh. Snow. But how beautiful it is!!

Lisa said...

That is gorgeous. The snow is here also. All around me. Some still have roses in canada .. Can you believe that. We have snow and I going to finish up on my Autumn photos I think and wear Black right long with you but hey lets get a nice scarf . Burberry, Chanelle..What do you think ?

Chad said...

I like yesterdays green photo photos beter than todays white. I don't think it got much over 40 today in Syracuse. I don't think there is anyway of going back to our indian summer.

tusen said...

Snow,I think.
Abandoned athmosphere.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...


Here I Am Carrie said...

Nothing like those early first snows. But they always give everything whole new look. Somehow we are skirting all the early snows and have been blessed with beautifull cool to warm days. Each day they predict rain or snow but it just never appears here at our place. Just a little rain now and then.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Brrrrrrr...but pretty!