Friday, August 20, 2010

Time to Relax!!!

Yesterday we said goodbye to the last of our house guests and today we leave for Lake Powell for a week of rest and recuperation.  I'm taking my camera, my bathing suit, and 10 good books.  That's about it!  I might take a few photos, but the majority of time will be spent in a nice deck chair with a cool drink in one hand and a book in the other.  The rest of the gang will probably be water skiing, tubing, etc., but that all seems like too much work for me!  I'll have a post each day, with fun memories of last year's trip so you can see some of our fun times!


Here is the houseboat with Tyler, Emily and some of their crazy friends.  I think I posted a photo of this before.  If so, sorry for the repeat.  There are 4 bedrooms (well, cubby holes), two bathrooms, kitchen and living area.  All the comforts of home, including air conditioning!   


Scott Law said...

You may not see this until it's you're back, but I hope you have a great time. The Lake Powell thing is something I've always wanted to do but never have. I haven't even seen it. Be real careful of the CO1. There was a whole family of about 20 people just about wiped out on one of those a couple years ago. I know because it was my son-in-law's Dad, Mom, siblings and nieces and nephews. Fortunately my daughter and son-in-law and my grandchildren weren't on that trip. Have a ball.

Chad said...

There is no better place to relax and get great pictures than at Lake Powell. Have spent many great vacations there,just hope you have an air conditioner on your house boat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nice houseboat, the colors are extraordianry. have fun and do you think only 10 books is enough for a week? you must be like I am. love to read. enjoy

Stephani Cochran said...

I love all that blue, and the water looks so refreshing. Nice shots of some beautiful people!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Glad you are finally going to have a rest and change of scenery! Will you be staying on this houseboat? It is so pretty, and I love it's name! Your pre scheduled posts will all be new to me, because I am such a recent follower. Have a great week!!