Monday, August 23, 2010

Seeing the Sights

This is one of my favorite photos from last year.  One day we usually hop in the ski boat and go touring.  There are thousands of little inlets, channels, etc.  This inlet is not much wider than you see here.  It is often a bit scary to be surrounded on all sides by huge red rock cliffs.  Sometimes the rock takes on a bowl shape overhead.  The amazing formations of arches and holes and shapes are endless.  The kayakers on the left show how huge the rock formation is.


tusen said...


Unknown said...

Wow, spectacular!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Karen this is an amazing photo. what a wonderful place to be and see. I am even going to give this one a Stunnning and Spectacular rateing. FIVE STARS

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief, this is amazing. The people are dwarfed! I must say that I would be rather afraid of not being able to get out!

Lisa said...

That is a truly amazing photo. I can't believe that every week when I check your blog you can continually post such breath taking photos.
Thank you for sharing your talent and the beauty around us.

Scott Law said...

Another beautiful spot Karen.

Antony Ratcliffe said...

That's an amazing shot Karen, it's great that you have the kayakers in the picture there, they really allow us to get an idea of the scale of things.

Dawning Inspiration said...

love those lines in the rock.... wowzers!

Unknown said...


Just... wow!!! What a lovely photo and what AMAZING rock formation. I am in LUUUVVV! ;o)

Stephani Cochran said...

Wow! The perspective on this is aweseome. Look how tiny the people seem!

Heidi said...

Okay, I'm TOTALLY homesick! Thanks a lot! No, really, beautiful pics as always...

Memories Of Mine said...

Wow this is a beautiful spot