Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hi Family & Friends,
Just a quick note to let you know I'm alive (barely), but swamped, so I'll have to postpone my next Tech Talk Tuesday for now.  I've been shooting another wedding, then bridal/groomals, then spent the weekend in Lake Arrowhead Calif for my high school reunion, shooting the event of course.  Now we have company, tomorrow we are supposed to go on a 3 day southern Utah trip with our 4 wheeler friends, then Saturday we leave for a family reunion week in Idaho, and I'm supposed to put together a photo presentation before we go.   When we return I have about a week before my son's wedding.  In my free time I'm coordinating the paperwork and inspections for a client's house I've got under contract.  Whew!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer and I'll catch up with everyone when I can!  (Scott, I have a Sunday Sunset taken from the deck of my high school friend's Arrowhead lake house to share when I can get to it.)


Scott Law said...

It's times like this when you're in favor of cloning. Good luck with all your projects and we'll look forward to slower times.

Unknown said...

You are definitely on overload, Karen. Take it easy or your health will slow you down.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, the wonder is that you can blog at all with all you have going on! I hope the weding is wonderful, and that you are breathing deep and taking things in stride!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we will all be here waiting when you get time. thanks for letting us know

Glenda said...

Oh, my! Your list itself makes me tired! Hope all goes well and you find a few quiet spots along the way!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Good luck and make sure to take good care of you during the busy-ness!

janc@mac.com said...

Sounds like a nervous-breakdown schedule. Remember your own advice to take time to "see" the beauty around you.

diane b said...

Thats what i call busy! See when things calm down.

Chad said...

It's hard getting by with out my daily fix of one of your photos.Hurry back.

Lisa said...

Just keep shooting pictures, I love looking at the beauty you discover.

myonlyphoto said...

Busy bee you are. Good luck, hope to see you soon. Anna :)

Don said...

We will wait... try to slow down if you can.

Chad said...

It's a week later and still no Karen. Scott says he's been in a real funk lately and I think it all because you haven't posted a picture in a few weeks. Hurry back.