Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winter Sunset - Zion National Park

Now Here's a Cabin With a View!!

Our little Casita is about a half hour drive to Zion National Park, one of my FAVORITE places of all time.  I've been anxiously waiting for spring to come when the brilliant green leaves of the cottonwood trees and grasses make such a striking contrast to the red cliffs.  But yesterday, I just couldn't wait. 

I discovered a back road that skirts around the edge of the park that I had not known existed and found some breathtakingly, majestic views.  I spent an hour or so at sunset watching these beautiful cliffs catch on fire as the sun moved closer to the horizon.  

I'm assuming the land in this valley is privately owned, and just outside the park, since there were several privately owned cabins.  What a view they have, even in winter!    


MadSnapper n Beau said...

God did such a wonderful job of his creation.. this is magnificent.... said...

You surely know the right time of day to get the most spectacular pictures. Beautiful! Magnificent country!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is stunning.

Montanagirl said...

Oh my - that's just breathtaking -

Anonymous said...

This is beyond words!

diane b said...

It looks like a painting, beautiful light and colours. It is so different from when we were there in Summer.

Unknown said...

Wow, I had to look to find the homestead. Beautiful fantastic post.

darlin said...

Wow, what a magnificent sight and stunning photo! I'd love a cabin somewhere in these hills. :-)

Have yourself a wonderful weekend!

Rick said...

What a striking scene ! Gorgeous photo, Karen.

On my bucket list.

Scott Law said...

Wonderful old postcard look. Can't wait to see some of the others you have described in this post.

Anita Johnson said...

It has been way too long since i have visited here. I know what I am going to be doing tomorrow morning while i have my coffee! Beautiful!

Here I Am Carrie said...

I always love your visits to the Zions. Such a contrast from the dull brown and grey of the desert in the Salton Sea. Love all the shadows and shapes you see. Totally my dreamscape place. One day we will visit there.