So I was driving home from Yuba lake last Saturday, (Jeff & I had taken the boat and jet skis for Tyler and 25 of his friends who were having a B-day party), and I spotted the Young Family Farm lavender fields off the side of the freeway. They were in full bloom. I had my camera with me so I took the next exit and went back to take a few photos. After I had taken my pictures I got back in the car and noticed a group of people several fields away. As I drove past I saw a bride and groom and their photographer taking pictures. I stopped the car, rolled down my window, snapped on my telephoto and took the above shot. The sun was down, it was overcast and as you can see, produced a very dull looking shot. We'll call this the 'before' shot. Now for the magic of the computer and Photoshop. I decided to play around and create a painterly, artsy type image. Scroll down to see the 'after' rendition.