Saturday there was a car and airplane show in Heber, Utah. They had classic airplanes on display, many from WWII, and one was called the 'Mormon Mustang'. The show was all about classic airplanes and classic Mustang cars. So what are these 'cudas doing here??? Our friend who was one of the organizers asked Jeff if he and our sons would bring their cars as well. (Since this was the first year of the show, they might have been worried that not enough cars would show up.) However, there was a great turnout, and the car owners each had a chance to park in front of the 'Mormom Mustang' and have a photographer take their picture. When my men parked their three cars side by side, more than a few heads turned and all of a sudden there were a lot of people snapping pictures. This may have primarily been a Mustang event, but I think the 'Cudas stole the show! (Or I could just be biased!)