Last winter was the longest, coldest, hardest to get through for several reasons. I longed for warm (and HOT) weather, blue skies, puffy white clouds, green trees and colorful flowers. Always, when spring/summer does come, it slips by so quickly, and I feel I'm staring winter in the face again. (That's why I can never fully enjoy autumn, because I know that winter is right around the corner.) I promised myself that this summer I was going to make time each day to be outdoors as much as possible. Jeff and I are taking quick over nighters that have been so fun. We are going to wear out our new toys (razor) this first year! Yesterday we were invited by some friends in the ward to go riding in beautiful west canyon and had a great time. We went on a Tuesday (the other two couples are retired), and it really felt like we were playing hooky. It'll take awhile to get used to the idea that we don't have to wait until a holiday or Saturday to take off when we have a whim!!!!) I've rambled off the subject of this post. Anyway, each day I'm trying to see and appreciate what is around me outdoors. The day I took the photos of the Oquirrh Temple I also drove up to the Bingham Copper Mine. I haven't been there for a hundred years. It is an awesome sight/site. Here is a little information: It is the largest copper mine in the world and the largest man made open pit excavation site in the world and can be seen from outer space. It is 2 3/4 miles across and 3/4 mile deep. Those teeny, tiny tonka trucks at the bottom of the photo are HUGE haul trucks with a 320 ton capacity. 300,000 tons of refined copper are mined a year as well as 400,000 ounces of gold and 4 million ounces of silver. (I will be making another trip back with my grandsons.)