Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fanning Island (for Suzanne)

Fanning Island, also known as Tabuaeran
is Part of the Island Nation of Kiribati

This is a beautiful little atoll, remote and primitive.  Several times a year cruise ships stop for a day and the beach and beautiful lagoon fill with tourists. 


Unknown said...

Karen, it looks like a wondrous place

diane b said...

So tropical and so colourful. Love the lines made by the palm trees. Where were you? On a boat or in the water?

Suzanne said...

Karen, thank you for the photo. Unfortunately, the scene looked nothing like this in May. There were no colorful umbrellas lining the shore and no water sports equipment. I think the people have been pretty much abandoned by the cruise industry.

They were lovely and so gracious to us during our visit.
