Thursday, December 2, 2010

All About Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights on Temple Square

I LOVE Christmas lights.  I love driving through neighborhoods to see people's decorations.  I love houses that have gone over the top, and I especially love houses that have a single candle glowing through each window.  I especially love Temple Square at Christmas time.  The riot of over hundreds of thousands of lights, (the exact number is not disclosed, but a crew begins putting them up in August), the outdoor scenes depicting the birth of Jesus, the happy families enjoying a night out together, the carolers, it's all magical!  I'll post some of my favorite images of Temple Square dressed for the holidays over the next few weeks.  
But let's get back to Christmas lights.  I hope you stop by tomorrow for Phun Phriday, because it's all about creativity with lights and I need your help!


jennyfreckles said...

How pretty - they look like coloured snow falling, to me... or is that because falling snow is all I've seen for days?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is awesome, i would love to see it in real time. looking forward to the scenes, you did a good job of describing it, made me a little jealous. see you tomorrow

From the Kitchen said...

I'll be there! I love the lights and would like to know how to photograph them. Last year, I tried with my "point and shoot" and it looked like what I imagine someone would see on LSD!


Unknown said...

This shot is magnificent! I love Christmas lights, too. I can't wait to see your post tomorrow! :o)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gads! Amazing! I'm trying to get the perspective, how did you even get this picture? Were you in a building across the way, on a second floor?

Berit said...

Beautiful picture:)
Greetings from Berit.

What Karen Sees said...

Ginny, I was on the ground. There was a Christmas tree made of lights where I was standing and I took a shot through the lights. Then I moved to the side of the light tree and took a shot of the temple. I combined the two as layers in PS, then erased the lights on the temple.

Unknown said...

Lovely Christmas image beautifully composed.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Thanks for the explanation Karen. I couldn't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

A picture like poetry - thank you very much for this escape !

Please have a good Friday.

daily athens

Unknown said...

Wow, what a shot! Glorious!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said... must be an incredible sight!!! Gorgeous photo and thank you for your kind lifted me from my Little "blue afternoon" funk I was in!!!

Rick said...

Nice work on this Karen - lovely mood with all the lights and the color (Scott is trying to get me to adopt American spelling while here) on the temple is marvelous !

Capturing Christmas lights is on my agenda for tomorrow (I rarely have an agenda but I found a house that's so nicely decorated ...). Look forward to yours tomorrow.

Lloyd said...

Like the shot too! Funny I just played with some Christmas lights and my old Manual Focus Pentax 135mm f2.5, just posted them:

Hope that is OK to link to that here. Do like your shot, can't wait to do Temple Square again this year. I believe that they have the lights on in the mornings too. I may be doing an early morning shoot to stay away from the crowds.



Bluekat said...

Wow! That's beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing more. I also love the single candle in the window, simple and elegant.

Oh awesome, I just read how you processed the image. Nice job! It really is pretty. Like someone else mentioned...bright and colorful falling snow.

Justine said...

I love this shot, makes me feel all festive

Christmas-etc... said...

I love seeing " what Karen sees!" So much fun! I am your newest follower and really looking forward to seeing Temple Square dressed for the holidays!
Please join me at my history blog - I'd love to have you!
Blessings for this wonderful season!

Snöskottning said...

I love this shot, makes me feel all festive