Two weeks ago I spent the week at beautiful Heber Valley Girl's Camp. It is a spectacular facility, with every amenity, and as close to non-camping as one can get and still claim to be 'camping.' With 11 wards and about 350 girls and leaders, we had our hands full. Luckily I have amazing counselors and amazing camp leaders who planned and carried out every detail. As Stake YW President, I just showed up and enjoyed myself. Yes, there were a few 'incidents', but for the most part, everyone bonded and strengthened relationships, had spiritual experiences, learned to do hard things, and had a fun time.
I was about 10 feet away from this doe. Her 2 fawns were playing nearby. What was amazing is that just behind me there were 20 screaming girls riding a zip line on the challenge course. She was just watching the show! She instinctively knew she had nothing to fear from the humans in this place.