Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Flower Fantasy

Instead of standing at a distance to view the garden, I sit on a bench to greet the flowers at eye level. This changes everything! Immediately my senses are magically transported to a whimsical, dreamy place. Looking through my lens I see a lively blend of shapes and colors waltzing with the breeze, and I notice the delicate details of each bloom. I hear a busy, buzzing bee and can smell the sweetness of the flower nectar he is seeking. I notice a sun ray pin pointing the delicate transparency of his wings.......or maybe it was a fairy's wings I saw. I'm not sure. My mind settles and I am still. I stop thinking about taking photos and begin to marvel at the miracle of God's creations. Multitudes of growing things, each variety uniquely different and beautiful, yet those in this garden, all living and dancing together in perfect harmony. For me it is therapy for the heart and soul!

1 comment:

Nancy J said...

Little faces, delicate petals, brilliant colours, when I walked under the tall trees at our previous home, I always felt so at peace, no matter what turmoil was outside the front gates. Love your first photo with purple blooms, truly beautiful.