Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Super Moon April 2020

 'When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain'

Jeff came home last evening and said "Have you seen that moon?" 
I totally forgot about the super moon so I grabbed my camera and found the best composition I could find close to home. 
I pulled off the side of the road, (behind Harmon's in Santa Clara), and used the hood of my car as a tripod.


Nancy J said...

We had too much cloud cover down here, and as we can drive ONL:Y for an essential service, that would not merit trip at night to anywhere if there was a clear view. You have captured the true feeling of isolation, as we look at a safe moon, shining its light at night to let us know the world still continues as normal up there....great settings.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a super photo.

Bill said...

That's a great one!

Barb said...

Spectacular, Karen! We have so many tall lodgepole pines around us that I never really get an unobstructed view.