Sunday, February 14, 2016

Red Rose for Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

I recently ran across this photo that was taken several years ago, but thought it appropriate to post again today.  I hope your day is spent with the people your cherish!  Today my family will gather for our annual Valentine's dinner where, of course, everything we eat must be red, which makes for some very unusual looking corn!!!  (We sometimes cheat with red food coloring!)


Sandra said...

What a wonderful photo with amazing and delicate reflections in the drops of water! Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Very very nice! Enjoy your red dinner.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Neat idea to serve only food that is red.Have a great day.

Michelle said...

That sounds like a fun family tradition! Happy Valentine's Day!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

awww...Karen being artsy *wink*

Unknown said...

Karen, here I am, a day late! Hope you had a great day yesterday! That is a beautiful rose!

Anonymous said...

Gee oh might... Beautiful capture and reflections..
I need to be your shadow..wink!
