Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ladybug & Cactus



TexWisGirl said...

so pretty together!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh KAREN! This is just gorgeous!! That cactus flower must be mighty tasty for this little guy to risk these huge stickers!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, this would get your attention more ones than one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to funny and also beautiful. OUCH indeed

Stephanie said...

You take the most amazing images. Love the ladybug, nice details.

Unknown said...

Karen, absolutely beautiful!

Michelle said...

That Ladybug must be a good navigator!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Such exquisite beauty among such dangerous looking spines.

Barb said...

That red really pops!

Gwen said...

Your talent floors me...truly.

diane b said...

Tjey sure have good protection but the ladybird is cautious, Great macro.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

ha ha...nice shot

Happy Memorial Day

Stephanie said...

Strange, on my blog roll, there appears a different thumbnail image for your today's blog post and yet I am here and it shows your post from yesterday.

What Karen Sees said...

Stephanie, I think I know the reason. I was writing a post I planned for tomorrow's 'Tech Talk Tuesday' but the colors on the photo when I clicked the 'preview' button, were way off. So I posted it for real just for a few secs to see if the colors still looked weird. They looked fine and so I unposted(?) it until tomorrow. Funny though, I'm looking at my blog right now and the whole section titled 'Recent Posts' on the ride side panel is missing. Hmmm, have no idea why this disappeared!