Thursday, March 29, 2012

View From Coastal Road - Tahiti

This is a glimpse of the ocean side of the coastal road, with views of crystal clear waters and jagged volcanic peaks.  Much of Tahiti is unspoiled and pristine.  Surprisingly, there are not many hotels or resorts on the main island, so it is not overrun with tourists. 


MTWaggin said...

Yet another lovely shot. Interesting it isn't overrun by tourists as we all seem to say in frustration at work "I'm going to Tahiti!" What a lovely place.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could live there. Too much beauty everyday. Don't know if I could handle it.

Scott Law said...

Just got back from a trip to Washington and Oregon and took a few minutes to go through your recent posts. Wow, what beauty. I think I would break my trigger finger off in a short time in a place like that. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see the rest from Tahiti and then on to Samoa.

diane b said...

Looks and sounds a great place to visit.