Monday, August 22, 2011

City of Sails

Auckland - City of Sails
Auckland is called the city of sails and this photo shows why.  Even in the winter, the harbor and bays are dotted with brightly colored sails.  It will be fun to see how many sailboats we see in the summer.  This past Saturday was a beautiful day and we spent the afternoon in a lovely little town called Mission Bay.  We ate lunch at a little Mexican restaurant, (one of very few we have found), and then sat on a bench watching the sailboats glide by. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the colors are so brilliant, magnificent

Anonymous said...

Kind of odd when you think about it, a Mexican restaurant in New Zealand, but why not? They sure do have nice clouds there.

Unknown said...

Karen, that sounds like a passtime I could get right into! (sitting on the bench that is!)
Lovely shot

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...


myonlyphoto said...

Very vibrant blue! Nice refreshing capture.
Anna :)

diane b said...

Not much else to do in NZ but it sure is relaxing and colourful.

Unknown said...

beautiful Photos, so colorful.

Scott Law said...

What a great time you must have had. I can feel the sea breeze and smell the ocean as I imagine myself sitting there enjoying a big fat burrito.

Anonymous said...

Love this ! Seriously... so pretty! said...

So serene and refreshing!

Here I Am Carrie said...

Now that is a scene everyone would love to experience. Just beautiful.

Mersad said...

Wow Karen, love the scope of this! Such beautiful bold colors.

Dagmar said...

Hi there Karen, great to see you have such a ball in New Zealand.
Love all your latest pics but am impressed with the kiwi ones....what a green eyes....wonderful.

Hope you are safe and sound.
Hugs Dagmar