Friday, December 10, 2010

PHUN PHRIDAY - A Picture's Not Always What it Seems!

HELLO Blogging Buddies!

Jeff and I needed a formal head shot picture so I took this in my 'home studio'.  Well, actually, I used our office and set up my one studio light (that I still don't know how to use), and my speedlight, put my camera on a tripod and used the timer.    And 'tadaa'!, this is what I came up with.

I just realized, I don't think I've ever posted a picture of myself, (except the little avatar pix taken several years ago),  so I'm sure you must be thinking, "Boy I didn't realize how old and wrinkled she is!"  HaHa.  Kind of like when you listen to a radio personality for a long time, and then you finally see a picture and you are shocked because the person doesn't look anything like what you had imagined!  

Another semi-related idea.  Remember a few years ago, (before any of us knew about Photoshop or 'retouching'), when you were in the check out stand at the grocery store and you'd look at all the older super stars on the magazine covers and think, 'Wow, they look amazing for their age!'  Now we know better, which leads me to the above photo.  I can't tell you how hard it was for me to leave this untouched.  With just a few clicks I could remove those wrinkles, zap blemishes, lift my eyelids, take away my chicken neck, lose 10 pounds, add a 'glamor' glow.    I do some touch up routinely on every portrait I do, but here I did nothing.  This truly is SOOTC, so if we were to meet on the street for the first time, this is what you'd get, assuming I had makeup on and my hair combed!  I'm really loving the soft light of my first studio light with umbrella attached!

So the title of this Phun Phriday is that a picture is not always what it seems including the above one, although in a different way than I just talked about.  A long time ago on a 'Tech Talk Tuesday' I said that any manipulation you do to your photographs would be your artistic interpretation and acceptable, unless the purpose of the photograph is photojournalism or reality.  For example, if you were taking a picture of a beautiful hotel next to the beach to be used to entice tourists to vacation there, I personally think it would be deceiving to leave out the garbage dump and sewage plant blocking the view of the ocean. 

Well, the photo above is not exactly what it seems.  Looks like we dressed up for the picture, or were on our way to a special event.  Look at the REAL shot for my PHUN PHRIDAY picture of the day!
Happy Weekend Everyone!



jennyfreckles said...

Your red socks just cracked me up! I think that's what newsreaders do too, smart on top and cosy underneath! Glad you didn't airbrush this - it's lovely as it is and you don't need it. Besides, do we want to think your husband has run off with a younger woman?

Dawning Inspiration said...

AWESOME! You are beautiful and you and your husband make a fabulously gorgeous couple!

I gotta say - I love that 2nd photo - just perfect - all dressed up on top - and sweats and jeans and socks on the bottom. PERFECT!!

Christmas-etc... said...

Oh Karen... I think this is one of the greatest photos I've ever seen on the net!! You and your husband are just one mighty handsome and beautiful couple!!! Why would you want to fade away anything when you've been blessed to have a face like that! and your hubby - wow!! But oh... your little red socks and green about the house pants...they are the best part! Truthfulness in full!! thanks for really made me smile!
PS You know, we've been programed to fear getting older when in actuality it's the NOT getting older that we should fear!!!:)

What Karen Sees said...

Ann, very, very good point!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE IT! you do not need any touch up for sure. and you did fool us and it is PHUN. your new light is working great and this really looks like it was done in a studio. I can't beleive it was done with a timer, you really set it up well

Unknown said...

Karen & Jeff, nice to meet you both! Lovely shot!

Cher' Shots said...

What a great looking couple! I'm afraid to post pics of me as I may be mistaken for a Shar pei pup!
I see you're in the holiday mood with your green and red showing :)
And for some reason I pictured you a brunette. lol

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

A beautiful portrait!!! I love that it is the real "you"!!! Of course I also like the uncropped version!!!

Tanna said...

LOL! I LOVE the red socks, Karen!! They are just perfect for the season. Thank you so much for sharing the "whole" picture. You two make a fine looking couple in either photo!!

Elettra said...

You just look nice, congratulations, I saw photos of your family members in previous posts and I was struck by your beauty

Tiera said...

That is pretty funny! Nice picture though. Hard to see Dad without his 'stache'

Ricardo M. said...

En la primera foto estáis demasiado guapos ;-)
Me gusta la segunda porque las zapatillas le dan mucho glamour.
¡Qué buenas!

Bluekat said...

lol - I love it! No touch ups needed.

I love the socks too - my footwear of choice most evenings. :)

Scott Law said...

Well the one of you and your other half is certainly a better portrait than the one of me and my better half. Though, this is not your first portrait of the two of you that you have posted. Look here. I remembered this portrait because I tried to copy the pose when I did the photo of our neighbor lady (the one with terminal cancer) and her husband. It didn't work out nearly as well. Great shot and story. I know you can't just leave it here, so I can't wait to see the edited version along with a tutorial one what and how you fix it up to be even better - if that is possible ;)

Of course my Phun Phriday! post is here.

What Karen Sees said...

Scott, you are right! I totally forgot I posted that image last Christmas. And about this post....nope, I'm not going to edit this, just to prove to myself that I'm not addicted to Photoshop...really I can quit any time I want!

Rick said...

Great-looking couple - in BOTH photos ! Nice to see a natural looking couple vs the photoshopped celebrities who try so hard to keep up the pretense of the fountain of youth.

darlin said...

I LOVE IT!!! Both photos are amazing, the first one is better quality than most professional studios and the second shot shows the realness I love to see! Thanks for sharing this Karen, thanks for the chuckle. Your husband is a real sport!

tusen said...

People is people.
Photoshop photoshop.
I am glad i will recognice you in the street!
Nice slippers too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love it! So so cool. And real. Way to go girl. And i totally agree with the before mentioned comments... beautiful couple! Nice eyes....great smiles. Thanks for sharing again!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful portrait.. You guys look great! You didn't need to photoshop this one at all! I know what you mean, I did a self portrait of myself not long ago and I had to delete it.. I had no idea how bad my crows feet were under my eyes.. When did they get there... Hee Hee... Thanks for all the wonderful tips..


darlin said...

Linda, there's a new name out for "crows feet", it's now called "character and wisdom lines." ;-)

Amber said...

Love it mom, however I had to call dad to make sure you didn't just photoshop off his "stash" and that he really did shave it off. At first reading, I thought the suprise was that you edited out dad's "stash" I guess not. The grandkids all asked where grandpas "lip catapillar" was at, and Sabrina said that wasn't really grandpa. I guess they will haveto get usedto it, just like I will. But I do love the photos. They really are fun and beautiful.

Lisa said...

Karen its so nice to see you and your Hubby. This and both are so very gorgeous . I was in the other day and had a quick look.
You really put a smile on my face.
Love this . Nice work.

Hilary said...

Oh this so made me smile. I love how you did this. And you're both very beautiful - untouched and SOOTC. Fun post.

Dagmar said...

Duh I had to go back to look again after reading this is you (and your hubby) Gosh you look sooo very different in the little picture that comes along with your blogname...really I couldn't tell it was you. I even thought you were more of a red head like me...hahaha.

But love what you've did...and that second one made me smile big time.
Thanks for sharing and you look like a reall lovely hold on to life my friend.
Hugs D.

bugnose7 said...

You can judge until you can see the whole picture. No wonder the Lord said judge not.

Hope said...

Hi Karen.. love your little slippers..
and the close up of you and your hubby is beautiful as you are..
just wanted to come in and tell you that I have closed down my blog for a little while.. just need some time.. have lots to do before Christmas.. and sometimes one just needs a break..
but will come in to visit when I can..
hope you have a gorgeous day..
soft hugs Hope

SouthernSass said...

I think you are lovely just the way you are! The second shot is fun - gotta love the purple, green and red that you are sporting! :)

Thanks for visiting me - I enjoy having you stop by!

Anonymous said...

My husband doesn't particularly like to dress up. He's a blue jeans and tee shirt kind of guy. I'll suggest he dresses up his top half the next time I want to take a picture of the two of us.

Lori said...

What a beautiful couple you are! And I'm not just saying this..I truly think people are far more beautiful just as they are then with all the touch ups. Congrats on POTW at Hilary's!

Anonymous said...

What's funny too is as I panned down the page to comment the photo took on another personality as it became a photo of just your bottom halves. It was warm and cozy as I saw comfy shoes, jeans and scrubs.

It's a lovely portrait and I agree untouched is beautiful and real!