Friday, November 5, 2010

Phun Phriday - Calico Ghost Town

Bottle House

Becky says she's been to Calico and remembered the bottle house and Sandra requested more photos of the town, so this post fits both.


From the Kitchen said...

Bravo! Love the "treatment".


tusen said...

"Constructive" pitures!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Thanks Karen...wonder why someone built a "bottle" house??? Love your photo!!!

Unknown said...

What do they say about glass houses?
Oh yeah, you have to dress in the basement!
Like the shots!

Scott Law said...

I can see why that is such a small house, that would be a lot of work. Very interesting idea. I wonder what it is like in there on a bright sunny day. Hot??? and I guess pretty bright. If it is well lit inside at night that would make a very interesting photo, or even some candles on a long exposure. Hmmmmmm? That was a lot of Phun to imagine all those things.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you. i was sitting here starting at the house trying to figure out what it was made from, and what a shock when I scrolled down. old bottles. now this is the ultimate recycled home. LOVE IT and i see My Kind Of Town peaking out from beside it. i would love to see all of this but this is for sure next best.

Glenda said...

Love your ability to find unique shots and capture them beautifully!

Hope said...

can you imagine all the work that went into that? wow..
great captures..really get that 'old time' feeling..

Ginny Hartzler said...

The bottle house is wild! And what an amazing picture of the toothless cowboy! Yes, you've done your magic again! You've even made a toothless person look good! I'm back from sick leave and missed you! said...

You DO have unique experiences, Karen. Great photos.

Lisa said...

Im in love with the first image. Karen that is a stunner and the bottles.Great find. Glad to see it . I would have passed it up Im sure of it. Wonderful processing but then when it come to processing I dont know that much .
Thanks for posting these. Your appriecated.

MyMaracas said...

I wonder which was more fun: building the house or drinking all that wine?

Tanna said...

That is certainly a unique building!! Love your photos! You are making me yearn to know more!! LOL!

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a cool place! Gorgeous images, too!

S. Etole said...

What a unique place to photograph. And the "character" photos earlier are priceless.

Janie said...

Wonderful photos, colors and light. I have not been to Calico Ghost Town in MANY years. Seems they have changed it some, and sparks my interest. Wouldn't it be great to have a little bottle cabin to retreat to?! I will definitely be back.

Janie said...

Color, light, and high interest! Wow. Nice job Karen. I have not been to Calico Ghost Town in many years. I suppose they made some changes to enhance visitors and I can see why. I do not remember the bottle house. Wouldn't it be great to have a little cabin made out of bottles to retreat to? Great post Karen, and I will be back for sure...

London Caller said...

What a great idea!
I wonder if it gets as warm as a glasshouse inside!?

Unknown said...

WOW! This shot brings back memories. I have seen this house when I was a little girl, my parents have photos of it.. Of course yours is alot better. I am only about 3 hours away from Calico, I shot take a little trip..

Thank You!

Anonymous said...

WoW! I didn't think it could be done, I would have thought the bottles would break!

I love that 2nd story 'HOTEL' sign & the old west wood railing, that's AWESOME!