Friday, November 19, 2010

NOT so Phun Phriday

If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Again!
(Check out last post before reading this)
Well, I tried something new on my last post and it didn't work!!  I didn't do my homework.  I learned that 'Mr. Linky' only posts URLs, and does not post thumbnails of photos.  Well, who wants to look at a bunch of boring URLs???   Will that entice anyone to visit your blogs? I don't think so!!  I want people to have a glimpse of my talented blogging photographer friends' work, and make it an easy one click to get to your blog.   Now I've discovered 'Inlinkz' that posts thumbnails and your name, so I'm going to try again.  And for those of you who commented, but said you don't do fall decorations or you don't have a mantle,  so you couldn't participate, I'm really going to make this easy.  Just create a post with a photo of your choice.  Then come to my post and follow the directions below the following photo.   I really need some help to see if I can make this work!!!  If I say "Pretty Please"???  

Are You Talking to ME???? 


jennyfreckles said...

Yay! It seems to work. I posted mine early just to see, as I think my post for Saturday fits with the experimental nature of this project. We're all learning - that's what's fun!

What Karen Sees said...

Thank you SO much Jenny. I really appreciate this!

Unknown said...

Karen, Works for me too!

Anonymous said... worked. I'm surprised I could do it. I wouldn't ever consider trying to set up something like you've done here. Well done.

SouthernSass said...

This sounds like fun! I will snap a photo and post it tomorrow. Good you for not giving up!

NikonSniper said...

what great photos you have and lots of information too. i am not much of a photography writer ... but i will come back here and read later tonight! you are quite accomplished with that canon. will be back.
nikonsniper steve

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Karen, I joined in and love the idea of learning about this wonderful world of photography. Love your peacock photo.

Scott Law said...

Well this is much better than the Mr. Linky thing. Glad you found something you like better and does what you really were trying to accomplish in the first place. I think I forgot to mention this morning how beautiful your mantle decoration is.

Rick said...

Great work Karen - you've made it that much more interesting to go and visit other blogs. Oh, and great shot of the peacock !! Colours are fabulous as is the dof to get that great background.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It worked!!! And you made it easy. Yes! And I put a link to you on my post. Fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super shot of the peacock. this is fun with the link thing I will be back later to check who is here. i am headed to the SPCA to see Skeeter in his Santa Suit

Chad said...

I tried to get one of these necklaces for my wife,but she wouldn't go for it.

Dagmar said...

Gosh Chad you make me fall off the bench...he's too funny.

But...what did I do wrong...?
I choosed for a tumbnail????
Hmmmm maybe it's because it's on flickr and I didn't say it could be seen by friends..I'll have to check it out.
I'll be back.

Cher' Shots said...

Great idea! I'll have to go check what's worthy of sharing from my blog. :)

Unknown said...

Karen, my visit to your lovely blog is way overdue. I will definitely be coming back and visiting more often now. And this inlinks thing is cool! Maybe I will try it out some time soon!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank you for the many informations available upon your site, together with great photography surely worth to be read during the middle of the night.

Please have a wonderful Sunday.

daily athens

Hilary said...

That sure is a beauty of a peacock. Amazing shot.

Tanna said...

Oh, my... these are some-kind-of-beautiful photographs... I am soooooo impressed. That peacock is stunning!! You are all inspiring me to work toward shots like these!! Karen, thank you for all the inspiration!

What Karen Sees said...

Thank you everyone for helping me figure this out. Technology is not one of my strong points. I want to showcase my "Phabulous Photographer Phriends" on my "Phun Phriday" posts often and I think I've found this is the best way to do this! I also figured out I can make the thumbnails even bigger to give people a better view. Thanks again!

Aina said...

Hi Karen! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like it. Nice of you to let us put our link on the blog. I love to follow your blog. Have a nice day!

SouthernSass said...

I finally got it posted - busy weekend! :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

I haven't decorated for Autumn - but I have put up my Christmas tree!!!! Gorgeous peacock!

Aris said...

Hi Karen,

If you need any help with the tool, just drop us an email! But it seems you have managed it just fine! Well done!



Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Sorry I'm so late but this past weekend really was busy...after this weekend I should have more time!!!
Lovely images and I look forward to this party!!!