Sunday, October 10, 2010

Phriday Phun

One we had to say goodbye to for now and one we won't meet for a few months.  I am so blessed to be their grandmother.

October 10, 2010

This is my contribution to Dave's challenge to be posted today, which is 10-10-2010.  You can read about it HERE.
For the past few weeks I've thought of various 'clever' ideas for this challenge but couldn't make up mind.  When it dawned on me that I have 10 grandchildren, (actually 9 soon to be ten), I knew what my post would be about.  I am the proud grandma of 10 amazing children, and I'm positive I'll have the best subject matter for this challenge!!!
(P.S.  This ultrasound of Number 10 is the cutest I've ever seen.  Can you see his little hand waving at us?) 


Bruce Caspersonn said...

What great looking kids!Good for you! We have 5 little monsters and we love them dearly. You enjoy them and then hand them back. What could be better?

diane b said...

10 angels on the 10th of the 10th 2010. lovely crisp clear shots. I'm trying to take shots of my grandson but can't seem to get the depth of field right.

Sarah Knight said...

Your grandchildren are adorable!
That's very adroit for the challenge

Teté M. Jorge said...

My God, I can see his little hand waving at us! That's beautiful!

I loved all photos you posted here! They are lovely...

Have a good week, dear.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Awesome and congratulations on #10!!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Absolutely divine...that little wave...just no words for the sweetness of it all!!! Kudos for beautiful grands!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, my goodness, you are surrounded by angels, all so sweet and beautiful!!! I don't need to look at the other posts to tell that yours is the best!!

Scott Law said...

Perfect! said...

I love how you met this challenge. Could there be anything more beautiful than these precious little ones and the joy they bring?

David said...

Karen, Congratulations on the new grandchild. I hope you have had fun with the challenge. Judging by the smiles and the "wave" of your grandchildren I'd say you did. Thanks for being apart of 10-10-10.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Hello Karen I came here by way of David about the 10 10 10. What a beautiful brood of grandchildrn you have and a fine way to show them. I too added something for 10 10 10 with sunflowers.. Thanks for sharing..

Lisa said...

You have beautiful grandchildren

darlin said...

What adorable grandchildren and fantastic idea for 10-10-10! I love the ultrasounds they do today, 3D allows us to see so much more then back in the day when I was having my children. I love some aspects of our technology.

Oh, sorry, I'm Darlene and I got to your site via David's blog, I wanted to check out everyone who participated in the 10-10-10 challenge. I love all of the ones I've seen so far!

holdingmoments said...

A great idea for a challenge, that David set.
Really enjoyed your interpretation.

tusen said...

Lucky you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm Back from my 3 days off and thhs is TheBest of the 10 10 10 I have seen. they are all beautiful and you are "blessed"

joey said...

Congratulations, granny! Beautiful grandchildren, Karen. I have 2 grandboys and another to arrive in December. We are both truly blessed!

Unknown said...

How truly awesome! I love that little baby hand waving at us. :o)

Hope said...

Hi, I am late but came over from Davids 10/10/10 challange..
love the photos of your grandchildren.. I did the same..with my grandson.. they are such treasures.. hope your day is kind and soft..