Thursday, October 21, 2010

Autumn in Utah's Rocky Mountains

The Golden Light of Autumn
Here is a peak at 'my neck of the woods'.  This was taken about 15-20 minutes away from my home on what we call the Alpine Loop, American Fork Canyon.  This picturesque loop starts close to where I live and winds up over the backside of Mt. Timpanogos, past streams, lakes and natural springs, and through pine forests and the most glorious aspen groves you've ever seen.  It then passes Robert Redford's Sundance ski resort and ends in Provo canyon near Bridal Veil falls, (another beautiful photo op).  I try to drive the loop every spring and fall.  I finally found an hour or two about a week or so ago.  It is always beautiful, but the brilliant reds of the oak and the brilliant yellows of the aspen leaves had already faded and I was disappointed.  No shots taken.  But coming home I noticed how lovely the light was streaming through the trees and I stopped alongside the road.  After a brief stroll, I found this scene.  Obviously, a few lovers from past generations had stopped here before me.


Lisa said...

Karen this is beautiful.. Just love the light.
I will be around on Tues. to learn. Im always learning form you.Thanks

Scott Law said...

I do love that light streaming in and so much gold on the ground. The "Lovers' Tree" is perfectly placed. Awesome shot.

joey said...

Great photo and count me in, Karen. Am very interested. Played with a few Topaz filters but get 'life' sidetracked easily :)

Unknown said...

That's a lovely shot! Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains we are just about at peak color.

Unknown said...

What a great shot! The colours are so nice. I aways like it when you can get the rays of the sun like that. The poor carved up tree adds great dimension to it all

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Great photo Karen, inspiring!
Keep up the excellent work...

Stephani Cochran said...

I'm beginning to thin Utah is a very beautiful place! I've never been there.

From the Kitchen said...

Karen: What a beautiful photograph of the woods--lovely, dark (with a play of light) and deep!! I am heading to Virginia tomorrow with the hope of capturing some of autumn's beauty in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the light and the colors make it breathtaking to me. a wonderful spot to stop with or without a camera. the tree looks almost like it had a visit to a tatoo parlor.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Nothing like the beautiful light and golden glow that comes in the Rockies. You have captured it beautifully. Carrie

Ginny Hartzler said...

Just georgous!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Glorious warmth in that image - and I love the fact that you caught those carvings in the tree.

diane b said...

A beauty. Please tell us how to capture light rays on Tuesday Teck Talk.

Rick said...

Awesome - love that sunlight coming through and casting shadows. Also, incredible colours ! Looks like there was still plenty to photograph !