Friday, October 1, 2010

Phriday Phun


Last Saturday was the annual GIANT PUMPKIN weigh-in at Thanksgiving Point.  I knew there would be some phun photo ops so I headed over there to kill an hour.  Two problems, harsh midday light as is usually the case for outdoor events, and so many people it was hard to get in a good shot.  Here the people were over watching the weigh-in of the BIG daddies, so I had to be satisfied with shooting the 'puny' ones.... only about 400 lbs. or so.  The record is over 1100 lbs. which is unbelievable.  It is amazing what these people do to raise these pumpkins and the tender, loving care they receive.  The rule is there can be no cracks or breaks on the outside.  Can you imagine what they must do to get them out of their garden, onto a vehicle and to their destination with no accidents!!!


Scott Law said...

I watched a PBS special on these babies once, how they go out and rub oil on the skins each day and many other things. These huge ones gain several pounds each day, you can almost watch them grow. Amazing.

Lisa said...

That looks like a fun event. I should have taken a picture of my pumpkin before selling it.
I love your updates.