Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back Home and Broke!

That's what my Dad used to say every time we got home from a vacation.  Anyway, it's good to be home, even though we had a wonderful time.  There was lots of laughing, teasing, playing games, water sports, eating, relaxing, fun family memories... everything that makes for a great family vacation! 

In honor of 'Sunset (Sunrise) Sunday', here is a photo I think I actually took last Sunday.  This is the view I had from my bed at the back of the houseboat.  I'm an early waker upper, so every morning I'd look out the sliding glass door to see if there was a sunrise worth getting out of bed for.   Definitely a 'yes' for this one!  I had to walk about 5 steps to the back of the boat to take this photo.  The brilliant color lasted only about a minute before it faded, and since I was the only early riser in the group,  I was the only one who got to start the day with this inspiring scene. 

Sunrise at Lake Powell - 2010


Unknown said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

on Christmas day, 2007, i saw the equal to this sunrise. this is innspiring just looking at the photo and I can imagine seeing it was beyond inspiring. sunrise is my favorite time of day and this one is magnificent

Dawning Inspiration said...

What amazing colors in the sky and in the reflection - definitely worth getting out of bed for!!

DeniseinVA said...

Absolutely stunning Karen. What a sunrise! Sounds like you had a great time, and what a wonderful vacation, to spend time on a houseboat. I would love that.
An English Girl Rambles

Tiera said...

Glad you had fun!

Amber said...

Beautiful Mom!! Wish we were there to enjoy it with you. You take such inspiring photos. I love your gift.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief!!! That sight is so amazing that I would think the end of the world was coming. It looks like fire on the water. Is this unretouched straight out of the camera? said...

Thankfully you captured it for others to enjoy however!

bugnose7 said...

I am glad you catch these moments or I would not even be aware that that beautiful moment happened.

becky said...

That's crazy beautiful!! If I were on vacation, I'd be tempted to sleep in & miss the sunrise. As it is, I'm usually up before dawn... so sometimes I'm rewarded by a magnificent show!

Glenda said...

Truly breath-taking! What a way to start any day!!

myonlyphoto said...

Karen that is truly inspiring scene, and thanks for sharing. Surreal. Anna :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful colour, fantastic image

Scott Law said...

W O W ! Worth getting up early for. Thanks for sharing. Just got back from my trip to Idaho and haven't even downloaded the photos yet. I'm hoping there's a sunset or sunrise worth sharing in there.

Rick said...


What a reward for being up early. This is the only place normally where I get to see a sunrise - I'm never up early enough ;-)

Lisa said...

How very very Stunning .. I Love this one. Perfection

Jeannette said...

I thank you for each of those five first steps you had to take to share this photo! Lovely.