Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Workday - (Interesting People in their Environment)

Street Vendor - Mexico
Here's my hat story.  We were being typical tourists seeing the sights.  It was a very hot day and my sunglasses just were not enough so I bought a hat like the one he's holding in his hand.  I wore the hat for about half an hour and having a bit more shade was a relief.  I usually don't sweat much, but because it was extremely hot, and because I was wearing a hat, and because we were walking a lot, I was sweating and wiping the sweat off my face with my hand.  After awhile I happened to glance down at my hand, and it was blue!  I couldn't figure out what it was, then I looked in a mirror and there were blue streaks running down my face.  I discovered the dye on the hat band was not water proof!  Another example of getting what you pay for!!!   I was just looking over this post before 'publishing' it and just noticed something in this picture for the first time.  It appears the person purchasing a hat from the vendor has his hand up to his face.  I wonder if he is wiping sweat from his brow??  I probably wasn't the only one ending up with blue face paint that day.  Ha Ha.


Andrea said...

Hello,I'm new on your blog.
I find very interesting your portraits.
It's not an easy job to take portraits,but you do it at a very good level.


Scott Law said...

I'll remember that next time I get to Mexico. I guess if the dye was water soluble it washed off easily . . . I hope. Your photos are always so clear and colorful. Great job.

Lisa said...

That is a great story to go along with the picture.

Unknown said...

I love the story. I can just see you with blue dye running down your face. That's just too funny.

Don said...

Nice shot. Hats off to you!